Welcome to Your Laserfiche!
Enterprise Content Management for the UIC System
ECM, or Enterprise Content Management, is software configured to automate the capture, management, filing, and access to documents and the information within them:
- Capture: read data to begin workflows and send to other systems
- Manage: move documents to insure speed, adherence, and accuracy
- File: automated filing with consistent folder and file names
- Access: powerful, text-search, permission-based searching
- Compliance: manage your documents to meet UIC Records Management policies.
Contact UIC Creative and Digital Services to discuss options for managing your digital and archival content.
How UIC Is Using Laserfiche Today
The UIC Laserfiche system is licensed and ready to help your department manage documents better, in ways simple to complex. Whether your need is a better, smarter electronic filing system for easy search and access, or an automated, paperless process to manage a multi-step financial aid process, we can help you make it a reality. Take a look at how some UIC departments are streamlining operations today, and then let’s work together on your ideas.
Eliminating paper forms for petitions and other requests has eliminated scanning, photocopying, data entry and other manual tasks.
Let’s Work Together
Let’s meet to discuss the options for managing your digital and archival content. Fill out the form below and one of our customer services representatives will be in touch.